Monday, June 13, 2016

The Rainbow: A Prayer for Orlando

O Holy One, Creator of all Living Creatures,
Our hearts are broken after the carnage and devastation of Orlando.
Fifty innocent people murdered and countless others injured.
They gathered to dance, to sing, to gather with friends.
This was a place of refuge, where they could be true to themselves.

Yet, hatred darkened our world, storm clouds blocked the joyful sun.
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender young people,
murdered for who they are and who they love.
A month of pride, so full of celebration, now dampened under clouds.

Long ago, our world was darkened by a flood of water.
Storms brewed and the sun’s soft glow seemed a distant memory.
When all hope seemed lost, You provided a most magnificent gift: an array of vibrant color.
The rainbow symbolizes the fight for LGBT Equality.
The rainbow represents pride in our identities.
The rainbow reminds us of the everlasting covenant between you and all living creatures.

As the storm clouds continue to blow, may sunlight make its entrance.
May the bow in the sky break down barriers of the unknown.
May its vibrant palette remind us that love can conquer all hate.
May its beautiful colors remind us that each of us are created in your image, each of us are holy, sacred, and special.  Amen


  1. Passover is the Jewish holiday that remembers the Jewish people's liberation from Pharaoh many thousands of years ago. During Passover, Jews around the world gather at their homes for a seder (a Passover meal) that recounts our journey from slavery to freedom. We eat special foods and recite prayers that allow us remember that we were once slaves in Egypt, but now we are free.

    More about Passover can be found here:
