Wednesday, December 2, 2015

8 Nights of Giving

I love Chanukah!  It’s a time of true joy and celebration.  What’s better than lighting the candles, eating delicious latkes, or opening a present!  But… in recent years, I’ve noticed a change in how Chanukah is celebrated.  Whether it’s American materialism or the close proximity to Christmas, it seems that the focus of Chanukah is the gifts!  The conversation around the Chanukah table is often about the latest electronics, the best toys, or the hottest clothes.  Now, don’t get me wrong, Jewish tradition has never frowned upon giving gifts.  For hundreds of years, Jewish children received a dreidel, chocolate coins, and even some gelt (money!) during Chanukah.  These gifts were small tokens from a loving parent or grandparent during this joyous holiday.  However, the money given was often used as a way to teach children about the mitzvah of tzedakah (giving charity to the poor).   That’s why Temple Sinai of Roslyn has decided to transform our celebration of Chanukah.  We are inviting Jews in Roslyn, across Long Island, and around the world to give back to our community and bring light to the world.  Our Chanukah celebration this year is called “8 Nights of Giving!”  During each night of Chanukah, we’re hoping that each of us can give back to our broader community by donating to a local charity, dropping off a donation, or doing a hands-on-project!  Check out 8nightsofgiving and follow us at #8nightsofgiving.  May our acts of loving kindness bring light and joy to the world around us!

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